1/5. Paris. 1835-9 was an itinerant period in Liszt's life -years of travel that inspired his collections of piano music Années de Pèlerinage, and which sowed the seeds of much of his subsequent musical development.
Donald Macleod explores the creative influences and the music linked to Liszt's mid-20s.
Es muss ein Wunderbares sein Hildegard Behrens (soprano), Cord Garben (piano) Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses Leslie Howard (piano)
Grande Fantaisie Symphonique on themes from Berlioz's Lelio (excerpt) Leslie Howard (piano), Budapest Symphony Orchestra, conductor Karl Anton Rickenbacker
Au Lac de Wallen stadt (Années de Pèlerinage, Année 1: Suisse) Alfred Brendel (piano)
Les Cloches de Geneve (Annees de Pelerinage, Année 1: Suisse) Daniel Barenboim (piano) Bénédiction de Dieu dans la Solitude (Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses) Leslie Howard (piano)
Producer Johannah Smith Repeated Sunday 12 midnight