from S. Sepulchre's, Holborn
Order of Service
Hymn, There is a green hid (A. and M,
332; E.H. 106)
Prayer, The Good Friday Collects
Scripture Reading, The Two Trials,
St. Matthew xxvii, 11-31
Anthem (Music by King John of Portugal) (Circa 1560)
Faithful Cross ! above all other, One and only noble Tree
None in foliage, none in blossom, None in fruit thy peer may he.
Sweetest weight is bung on thee!
Vcnantiui Fortunatus, circa 600
Scripture Reading, The Crucifixion,
St. Matthew xxvii, 32-44
Hymn, Jesu, meek and lowly (A. and M.
Scripture Reading, The Death, St.
Matthew xxvii, 45-56
Tenor solo, Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow (Handel's Messiah)
Scripture Reading, The Burial, St.
Matthew xxvii, 57-66
0 Lamb of God (from the Litany)
Anthem, Wash me throughly from my wickedness, and forgive me all my sin. For I acknowledge my faults, and my sin is ever before me (Psalm li, 2-3)
, (S. S. Wesley)
Address by His Grace the Lord
Archbishop of CANTERBURY
Hymn, When I survey the wondrous
Cross (A. and M. 108 ; E.H. 107)