Two brothers-middle-aged Yorkshire-men-shared a house somewhere in the West Riding. Jonathan was by instinct a ' family man ', David a cross-grained bachelor, boorish and malicious. No love was lost between them, but they managed to 'jog along' together, until ' yar Jonathan' announced that he intended to marry their joint house-keeper. Then the trouble started. Brother David, anticipating domestic discomfort, forbade the banns in advance.; and Jonathan had to meet guile with guile before he led his bride to the altar.
Such is the theme of All for t'Love of a Lady, George Beaumont 's Yorkshire comedy, which is to be broadcast tonight. The author, who has written previously for broadcasting, is at present employed as scenic designer to the Harrogate Repertory Company, but formerly he was a dental mechanic. A talented actor, he is one of James R. Gregson 's Yorkshire Radio Players, and as such will take part in his own show.
(From Leeds)