Edinburgh International Festival 2002
A A recital from Queen's Hall, Edinburgh.
Introduced by Sandy Burnett. John Relyea (bass-baritone), Warren Jones (piano)
Strauss HeimlicheAufforderung , Zueignung, Morgen!; Cacilie; Ich Trage Meine Minne; Traum Durch die Dammerung; Nichts
Ives Charlie Rut/age; The Greatest Man; Down East; General William Booth Enters into Heaven
11.45 Twenty Minutes: Hallaig
Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney has translated Hallaig, the epic poem by Scottish Gaelic poet Sorley MacLean.
Here Heaney and other writers reflect on the power of MacLean's moving sequence about the Highland Clearances.
12.05 Ibert Chansons de Don Quichotte Tchaikovsky None but the Lonely Heart,
Op 6 No 6; / Bless You Forests Op 4 7 No 5; Over the Golden Cornfields Op 5 7 No 2; Amid the Din of the Ball Op 38 No 3; Don Juan's Serenade Op 38 No 1