Conducted by the Dean of Westminster, The Very Rev. W. Foxley Norris, D.D.
Relayed from The Cenotaph, Whitehall
Order of Service:
Hymn, 'O God, our Help in ages past'
Anthem, Wisdom iii, 1, 2
Hymn, 'All people that on earth do dwell'
The Benediction
The Placing of the Legion's Wreath
The Last Post
The Reveille
The National Anthem
The Annual Service that the British Legion holds at the Cenotaph is, next to the Armistice Day commemoration, the most impressive event that takes place at the National War Memorial during the year. Last year this service was relayed, and many listeners will remember tho solemn beauty of it-the prayers, the Benediction, the Last Post and the Reveille, and the lovely singing of the Westminster Abbey Choir. This year's service will follow the same lines ; it will again be conducted by the Dean of Westminster, and the Abbey choir will again take part. In addition, the broadcast transmission should reach an even higher standard, as permanent arrangements can now be made at the Cenotaph (this year the Armistice Day ceremony will be relayed for the first time), and there will be no need to employ overhead cables or wires.