Introduced by PETER JENKINS of The Guardian
Its nature, causes and cures discussed by BARONESS WOOTTON OF ABINGER , who published The Social Foundations of Wage Policy in 1955 sir HUGH WEEKS, merchant banker and chairman of the Economic Committee of the Confederation of British Industry
ANDREW SHONFIELD, chairman of the Social Science Research Council
Exposition and argument by PETER OPPENHEIMER , lecturer in Economics at Oxford Evidence on Super-inflation, Germans 1923: RAYMOND GREENE
Shopping front, Britain 1971: RITA DANDO in Coventry
The world scene including
OTMAR EMMINGER , vice-chairman, Bundesbank, and chairman of OECD working party on balance of payments
HERBERT BURNS , chairman, us Federal Reserve Bureau Party lines:
PETER HORDERN , MP, chairman, Conservative Finance Committee LORD DIAMOND, Financial Secretary to the Treasury in the Labour Government Wage claims :
JACK JONES , General Secretary, Transport and General Workers Union
MICHAEL SHANKS , Marketing Services Director, British Leyland Produced by Richard KEEN