from St. Davids Cathedral within the Octave of the Feast of St. David, Patron Saint of Wales
Responses (Byrd)
Psalm 132 (Wulford Dawes )
Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 50, vv. 4-24 Office Hymn: Urbs beata (E.H.
169: Tune, Mode ii)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis
(Stanford in C)
Lesson: St. Matthew 25, vv. 14-23 Creed, Responses (Byrd), Collects Anthem: Iustorum animae
Hymn: 0 Dduw, moliannwn di a'r gan (Tune, St. Stephens
Organ: Halleluja, Gott zu loben
(Max Reger )
Director of Music, PETER BOORMAN
Sub Organist, Rosalyn Charles