Soka Gakkai v The Rest
The Soka Gakkai is Japanese and Buddhist. The Buddhism it preaches is a road to success: money, promotion, health and happiness. Yet its doctrines come from the strange and fierce teachings of Nichiren, a nationalist zealot of the 13th century. Since the war 10,000,000 Japanese have joined the sect. Each member is taught to chant the sacred syllables Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and receives an object of worship, a Gohonzon, which is installed in his home.
Many of Soka Gakkai's activities are not religious at all. There are Soka Gakkai schools and a university. Soka Gakkai sponsors music, art and sporting activities. It has its own political party, the ' Clean Government Party'; and its international president, DAISAKU IKEDA , travels the world in the cause of peace.
The Soka Gakkai is successful, but the organisation is not loved. This film tries to discover why. Narrated by PETER FRANCE
Series editor ANDREW BARR