from Winchester Cathedral
Antiiphon : Turn thy face from my sins (Prendergast)
Exhortation; Confession; Absolution; the Lord's Prayer
Versiclee and Responses (Byrd) Psalims 41, 42, 43
First Lesson: Exodus 16, vv. 2-15
Magnificat (Morley Second Service) Second Lesson: Ephesians 4, vv.
Nunc dimittis (Morley Second
Creed; Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Prayer (Farmer)
Versicles and Responses (Byrd) Collects
Anthem : Turn thee unto me, 0
Lord (Boyce)
Prayers; the. Grace
Organist and Master o.f the Choristers R. Alwyn Surplice