Appeal on behalf of ex-Services Welfare Society by J. H. HAYES , M.P., Vice-Chamberlain. of His Majesty's Household
ONE of the most pitiablo figures in the ranks of War sufferers is the ex-Service man who has become mentally afflicted. It was to help such cases that, under the presidency of Sir Frederick Milner , the ex-Services Welfare Society was founded. At the present moment, ton years after the War, the homes belonging to the Society are full to overflowing. Cure, one would think, could only be slow and comparatively seldom in such cases ; but it is amazing how many are the instances in which, by careful treatment, the Society has saved men from the Lunatic Asylum. A particularly interesting feature of the Society's work is the colony they have founded at Leather. head, where a largo number of men are trained and employed under sheltered conditions. On April 14 lust year His Majesty the King, accom. panied by the Queen, visited this colony and expressed his deep appreciation of the work.
Donations should be sent to the ex-Services
Welfare Society, [address removed]