' The Edinburgh Conference'
Sir Henry Lunn , M.D.
(From Edinburgh)
The first World Conference on Faith and Order was held at Lausanne, in Switzerland, in 1927, the object being the reunion of the churches of Christendom. Over 400 delegates were present, representing more than 100 Churches. They sat for nearly three weeks, and produced a report recording agreements and disagreements reached in the course of the discussions. The report was circulated. The responses of the churches began to come in. Steps were then taken to promote the joint study of outstanding matters of disagreement by theologians representing different churches ; and eventually a second World Conference was called. It met in Edinburgh on August 3.
This afternoon Sir Henry Lunn , who has been with the movement from the very beginning and has spent much of his life in trying to forward the cause of Christian reunion, is to give a short historical outline of the various efforts that have been made for Christian unity during the last ten years.
Next Sunday the Archbishop of York will broadcast his impressions of the present conference.