Community hymn - singing fromCotham Methodist Church, Bristol: led by choirs of the Octagon Group of Anglican and Free Churches
Hymns introduced by THE REV. COLIN JAMES
Prayer and blessing by the REV. C. KEITH FORECAST
Organist. H. PERCY LEWIS
Lo! God is here, let us adore
(Tune, Vater Unser )
Jesus, where'er thy people meet (Tune, Wareham)
Lord, her watch thy church Is keeping (Tune, Hyfrydol)
For all the saints (Tune, Sine
Before Jehovah's awful throne
(Tune, Old 100th)
Come, let us join our friends above (Tune, St. Matthew)
We come unto our fathers'
God (Tune, Luther's Hymn)
Glorious things of thee are spoken (Tune, Abbots Leigh )