from the Parish Church of St Mary and All Saints, Beacons field. Celebrated by the Rector the Rev. C. R. Warner , assistec by the Rev. L. G. Reeves
Epistle: Hebrews 1, vv. 1-12
Hymn: God from on high hatl heard (A. and M. 58. vv. 1, 4. 5
Gospel: St. John 1, vv. 1-14
Hymn: 0 come. all ye faithful (A and M. 59)
Other carols and hvmns are sung during the Communion of the people
The sung parts of the service are from ' A Simple
Communion Service in F by William H. Harris
Organist and Choirmaster.
T. Gascoigne Commentator, the Rev. Adrian Carey