Brahms Three Motets,
Op 110: Corydon Singers/ Matthew Best
9.50 Scheidt Canzon super Cantionem Gallicam London Cornett and Sackbut
Ensemble/Martin Neary
9.55 Couperin AUemande and Courante in Bflat
Davitt Moroney (harpsichord)
10.00 Corelli Trio Sonata in G, Op 2 No 2: Members of the English Concert
10.05 Brahms Begrabnisgesang, Op 13
Bavarian Radio Choir
Members of the Bavarian
Radio SO/Bemard Haitink
10.15 Gabrieli Canzona a 15 (1597): Gabrieli
Players/Paul McCreesh
10.20 Schutz Selig sind die Toten: La Chapelle
Royale/ Philippe Herreweghe
10.25 Reinmar Von
Brennenberg Wol mich des tages
Willard Cobb (tenor)
Thomas Binkley (lute)
Leonore Wehrung (flute)
10.33 Brahms
Piano Sonata No 1 in C, Op 1 Sviatoslav Richter (piano) Records