The First Test Match—Lord's
Lawn Tennis Championships,
R.A.F. Air Pageant, Hendon
Cycling Championships, Herne Hilt
This afternoon we are taking listeners to some of the outdoor events that are happening in and around London
Here are some of the times of which you can be fairly certain :
3.0-3.10 Cricket from Lord's-First
Test Match
3.10-3.20 Hendon Air Pageant
3.50-4.5 Back to Hendon
4.5-4.10 One Mile Tandem National
Championship-Herne Hill
4.10-4.20 Hendon Air Pageant
4.25-4.35 Cricket-Lord's
4.50-5.O Bsck to Herne Hill, for the Start of the 50-mile Tandem Paced National Championship
At any time even during the Dance Music from 5.15 to 6.0 we may go over to Wimbledon or Lord's
This is a grand afternoon for sport. Who can broadcast a running commentary on cricket better than Howard Marshall , who is to describe the play in the first Test Match at Lord's ? Who can broadcast a running commentary on the Hendon Air Pageant better than Wing-Commander W. Hel morc, who described the Fly Past at Duxford on the occasion of King George's Jubilee and has described every Hendon Air Pageant that has been broadcast ? Then Colonel Brand and Captain Wakelam are unsurpassed at describing the lawn tennis championships at Wimbledon. And finally, an expert is to describe the cycling championships at Herne Hill.