Introduced by Sue MacGregor including during the week some Talking Point discussions, your letters and other items.
Among those today
Collecting: advice and anecdotes from
Curtain Up: on the world of arts and entertainment with TONY BARNFIELD.
A Childhood in Scotland by CHRISTIAN MILLER abridged in six parts by MONICA GREY Read by Annette Crosbie
(1) Christian Miller 's home, during the 1920s and the first ten years of her life, was her father's castle in the Highlands of Scotland. She preferred the ghosts to the people. The people. ' despotic and changeable, governed her world with alarming inconstancy. The ghosts, on the other hand, could be relied on to haunt in a calm and orderly manner.'
(Music Arnold's Serenade for Small Orchestra)
Editor WYN KNOWLES long wave only