S.B. to Edinburgh and Dundee.
Just a picture of one of these far-off parts of the British Empire.
Many of us have, by reading, been to countries other than our own, and have imprinted on our minds vivid pictures which give unbounded pleasure-many of us have experienced that yearning to visit certain lands. To-night, then, "5SC" will ring up the curtain on Canada.
Make yourself quite comfortable, adjust your ear-phones, and if you act on our advice by lowering the lights, we feel sure you will receive a picture of the Dominion as it is to-day, with here and there a phase from the past, showing the struggles and successes of the great Pioneers.
The train will leave Quebec at 7.35 p.m., and we shall halt at Montreal, Ottawa,
Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper Park, Vancouver.
First Phase: A Prairie Scene in 1870 - twenty-one years after the Gold Rush.
Second Phase: Fighting a Forest Fire by Aeroplane. (From A. Corbett Smith's "Riders of the Air.")
Third Phase: Captain H.G. Mansfield (Late N.W. Mounted Police) in Songs, Recitation, and Stories of the Cowboys, with a word-picture of a "Prairie Policeman's Beat."
Fourth Phase: The Land of the "Midnight Sun" - The Land of "Mushers," Trappers, and Traders.
The Phono-Flight will include the following:
Guide, George Adam, of the C.N.R.
Dorothy Robson (Soprano).
Elder Cunningham (Baritone).
Augustus Beddie.
Capt. H.G. Mansfield.
Halbert Tatlock and his Dramatic Company.
The Station Orchestra.
Conducted by Herbert A. Carruthers.