The Parish Communion, from the Church of St. Matthew, Moorfields, Bristol
Introit: Psalm 23
Kyrie Eleison
Collect for 21st Sunday after Trinity
The Epistle: Ephesians 6, vv. 10-20
Gradual: Bread of Heaven (S.P. 263; A. and M. 318)
The Gospel: St. John 4, vv. 46-54
Nicene Creed (Nicholson, in C)
Address by the Rev. Mervyn Stockwood
At the Offertory: Come, risen Lord (S.P. 266)
The Prayer for the Church
The Invitation
Confession and Absolution
The Comfortable Words
Sursum Corda and Preface
Sanctus and Benedictus (Nicholson, in C)
The Prayer of Humble Access
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (E.H. 318) (sung from the studio during the Communion of the people)
Commentary upon the service by the Rev. Patrick Fedden