From York Minster
S.B. from Leeds
At 9.50 the Massed Bands of the 5TH INNISKILLING DRAGOON
GUARDS, the 1ST NORTHUMBER-LAND Fusiliers, and the 1ST GREEN HOWARDS, will play.
Order of Service :
Opening Chant
Psalm xlvi, 'God is our liope and strength '
The Lesson, St. Mark xii, 28-31 Benedictus
The Apostles' Creed
Lord's Prayer and Collect
Anthem : Lord, Thou hast been our refuge from one generation to another
Hymn 450, ' '0 God, our help in ages past'
Bidding Prayer, followed by Sermon Preacher. THE ARCHBISHOP or YORK Hymn 643, ' Onward, Christian
Soldiers '
The Blessing
The National Anthem
(For 3.30-5.15 Programmes see opposite page)