(Presbyterian) from St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Eastbourne
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Hymn, From all that dwell below the 'skies (Rv. C.H. 228 ; S.P. 408)
Invocation and Lord's Prayer
Hymn, 0 Jesus, King most wonderful (Rv. C.H. 423 ; A. and M. 178, Pt. 2)
Lesson, John xiv, 1-9, 25-27 Prayer
Hymn, Jesus lives! (Rv. C.H. 121 ;
A. and M. 140)
Address by the Rev. JAMES REID ,
Hymn, Peace, perfect peace (Rv. C.H.
444 ; A. and M. 537)
Organist and Choirmaster,
Ben Stevens