An appeal on behalf of St. George's Hospital by Christopher Stone, D.S.O., M.C.
St. George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, is known to countless thousands. Nearly everyone who visits London passes it, for it may be said to stand in the heart, not only of London, but of the Empire.
But not everyone knows of the desperate need to rebuild it. Some of the finest medicine, surgery, and nursing goes on behind walls that are literally crumbling with age. Patients have to be turned away daily for the simple reason that 500 people cannot be admitted to wards intended for only 320. Nurses have to be crowded into attic bedrooms because there is not sufficient accommodation for them elsewhere.
It is to rebuild the hospital in a manner worthy of its 200 years' tradition of public service that Christopher Stone is appealing tonight.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed].