Community hymn-singing from the Central Methodist Church, Bridge Street, Todmorden, led by the combined choirs from the Churches of the town Organist, E. L. Bentley
Conductor, Brian Sutcliffe Hymns introduced by Randal Herley
Blessing by the Rev.
Canon H. Hodgson , o.c.F.
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven (Tune, Goss)
Hills of the North, rejoice (Tune,
Little Cornad)
Thy kingdom come, 0 God (Tune.
St. Cecilia)
Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Tune.
Morning Light)
Who would true valour see (Tune,
Monks Gate)
Through the night of doubt and sorrow (Tune, Marching)
Love divine. all loves excelling
(Tune, Blaenwern)
The day thou gavest, Lord, Is ended (Tune. St. Clement)