An Appeal on behalf of The Central Boys' Club and Hostel Building Fund, by the Honorary Secretary, Mr. Ben Williams, M.B.E.
Contributions will be gratefully received by the Honorary Secretary, [address removed]
The period of adolescence is fraught with dangers even for boys who live in good social environment. For their less privileged brothers it is a doubly critical period. The Central Boys' Club provides an antidote to devitalizing and degrading influences to the poor boys of Cardiff-giving them an opportunity of developing, mentally and physically, into good citizens. A hostel is run in conjunction with the Club for homeless or destitute boys. In these difficult times such work has grown out of all proportion to the facilities available. The Marquess of Bute has, however, given, free of all cost, a site for a new building. It is for funds to use the munificent gift to the best advantage that Mr. Ben Williams is to appeal tonight.