Sir WILLIAM BRAGG 'S PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS at the Annual Meeting of the British Association.
Relayed from St. Andrew's Hall, Glasgow
S.B. from Glasgow rpHE Presidential Address at the annual meeting of the British Association is always one of the most important events of the year in what may be called ' popular ' science ; that is to say, it is a pronouncement, framed in terms comprehensible to the ordinary man, on the year's progress in some field of scientific theory or research. Sir William Bragg is a world-famous physicist, holder of a long list of .distinctions
(including the Nobel Prize), and in particular an authority en the subject of radio-activity, in connection with which such 'startling progress has recently been made ; so his address will be awaited with the utmost interest tonight.
(.4 special article o)t the British Association and Educational Broadcasting appears on the opposite page)