1200-1450 sung by John Morel (baritone)
Mirie it is (c. 1225); Jesu Cristes milde moder (c. 1290); Song of Agincourt (1415); I have set my heart so hye (c. 1425); I rede thou be (c. 1425); Go hert, hurt with adversite (1445); There is no rose of such virtu (15th-century carol)
In tonight's programme John Morel is giving some interesting examples of early English songs, taken from the original existing MSS. The songs he has chosen reflect the various progressive periods in the history of English song, from its early stages when English composers broke away from the Latin vernacular and began to set English poetry expressing everyday experience. An astonishing feature of these early songs is the expressiveness and sincerity attained by the simple means available at this experimental period.
No modern or extraneous harmonies have been added to the songs, nor has anything been taken from them - they will be sung unaltered in the contemporary English language.