(Church of England) from St. Catherine's Church, Liverpool
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Hymn, The Church of God a kingdom is (S.P. 248; A. and M. 675)
Psalm xxiv
Lesson, Ephesians iii, 14-21 Nunc Dimittis; Creed
Lord's Prayer
Hymn, Rejoice, 0 Land in God thy
Might (S.P. 631 ; E.H. 475)
Address by the Rev. Canon A. L. J.
Hymn, Saviour, again to Thy dear . Name we raise (S.P. 33 ; A. and M.
Prayer and Blessing
Organist, P. W. de Courcy-Smale
The Service will be sung by the Church Choir, augmented by the Choir of the Parish Church of Eccleston, Chorley,