Two programmes by RAYMOND BARKER
1: What really happenedt
In January 1943 President Roosevelt announced at Casablanca that the Allies would not be satisfied with anything short of unconditional surrender from the Axis Powers. Had FDR. discussed this formula with his American colleagues and with his allies? Was Churchill as surprised by the formula as he was later to suggest? What were the immediate - and long-term - effectn of the policy?
Mr Barker , who is Lecturer in Politics at the University of Bradford, examines these questions with the help of interviews he has made with, among others, HALF DAHRENDORF, LOUIS HALLE, W. AVERELL HARRIMAN , STANLEY HOFFMANN , ERNEST MAY, PAUL H. NITZE , ANATOL RAPOPORT , and DAVID RIESMAN
Produced bv DANIEL SNOWMAN (To be repeated on 23 December. The American Cure-all: Thursday, 8.25 pm)