(Church of England) from the Concert Hall,
Broadcasting House
Oran Voluntary
8.0 0 dcr of Service
Hymn, Awake, our souls! away, our fears! (A. and M. 682 ; S.P. 451)
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer, Versicles, and Responses
Psalms xxvii and xxix
First Lesson, I Samuel xx, vv. 12-17 Magnificat (Hubert Parry in D)
Second Lesson, Matthew vi, w. 1-6 and 16-21 Nunc Dimittis (Hubert Parry in D) Creed, Versicles, and Collects
Anthem, Why rage fiercely the heathen (Mendelssohn)
Hymn, Abide with me (A. and M.
27 ; S.P. 437)