in St. Giles's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Conducted by the Moderators of the Churches
The Right Rev. Joseph Mitchell, D.D. and The Right Rev. Principal Alexander Martin, D.D., LL.D.
Processional Psalm cxxii (Tune, 'St. Paul')
Call to Praise and Self-Dedication
Psalm c (Tune 'Old Hundredth')
Confession and Thanksgiving
The Lord's Prayer
Psalm cxlvii, 1-7 (Tune 'St. Andrew')
Old Testament Lesson- Isaiah Ixi
Te Deum Laudamus (Jackson in F)
New Testament Lesson- Ephesians iv, 1-16
The Apostles' Creed
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn,' Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire'
Recessional Hymn, 'The Church's One Foundation'