Community hymn-singing from Rugby Baptist Church
Introduced by William Purcell
Organist, Roy Young
Conductor, C.H. Chaplain
From all that dwell below the skies (Tune, Old Hundredth)
O for a thousand tongues (Tune, Lydia)
Fairest Lord Jesus (Tune, Silchester)
Son of the Lord most high (Tune. Croft's 136th)
Sing my tongue the glorious' battle (Tune, Grafton)
Thine be the glory (Tune, Maccabeus)
Away with our fears (Tune, Ardwick)
I lift my heart to thee (Tune, Sursum Corda)
Thy hand O God hath guided (Tune, Thornbury)
Prayers and blessing given by The Rev. A. Ellis Mold