Sibelius' symphonies are not very often played here, and the opportunity of hearing one is very welcome. This Fifth Symphony was first performed in 1915, at a concert given at Helsingfors to celebrate the composer's fiftieth birthday.
The Fifth Symphony has four Movements, but the first two are linked together, the opening Movement being in rather slow time, the Second moving at a brisk pace.
In the FIRST MOVEMENT several brief ideas play their part in the scheme.
The quick SECOND MOVEMENT comes unexpectedly, without a break. It begins with a theme played high up in thirds, by Woodwind, the Strings jumping about below. Soon the Trumpet has a brisk tune, accompanied by the kettledrum. This is taken up and treated by other instruments. The Movement ends with a very lively climax. Now there is a break before the THIRD MOVEMENT. This takes a little rhythmic idea of five notes and works it up by melodic variation and quiet discussion. In the middle the Brass has new matter, and then the original rhythmic basis is re-established, and all ends calmly.
The LAST MOVEMENT has for its first idea a Viola tune which is heard against a background of trembling string tone. The Horns and Strings have the loud, swinging second tune. This, and other matter, is fully dealt with, and there is a great climax.
Violin Solos