Her Majesty The Queen distributes the Royal Maundy at the Service in Westminster Abbey. Hymn: Praise to the Holiest in the Height; Psalm 138 (Henry Ley ); Anthem: Lord, for thy Tender Mercy's Sake (attributed to John Hilton ); Lesson: John 13, w 1-16, read by HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. First distribution of Maundy gifts: Anthems: Remember Not, Lord (Henry Purcell); Wash Me Throughly (Samuel Sebastian Wesley ); A New Commandment, I Give Unto You (Paul Leddington Wright ); Lesson: Matthew 25, w 31-45, read by the Dean of Westminster. Second distribution of Maundy gifts: Anthems: Salvatum Mundi Qohn Blow); Zadok the Priest (G F Handel); Hymn: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Isaac Watts ); National Anthem. Westminster Abbey Choir (organist and Master of Choristers Martin Neary ; sub organist, Andrew Lumsden ) with the Choir of the Chapel Royal (choirmaster Richard Popplewell ). Commentary by John Hosken. Producer David France. Stereo