from Greenock Academy with the combined choirs of local schools and musical associations.
Introduced by Murdoch McPherson.
Prayer and Blessing by The Rev. W. Cameron Wallace
"God is our refuge and our strength" (Tune, Stroudwater)
"Ye servants of God" (Tune, Laudate Dominum)
"Sing, my tongue, how glorious battle" (Bazil Marsh)
"Spirit of God, descend upon my heart" (Tune, Song 22)
"Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him" (Tune, Laus Deo)
"Tha ann an Sion Feitheamh ort" (Tune, French)
"Christ is the world's Redeemer" (Tune, Moville)
"Far round the world" (George Parkhill)
"Thy hand, O God, has guided" (Tune, Thornbury)
"Now thank we all our God" (Tune, Nun Danket)
"The Lord's my Shepherd" (Tune, Orlington)