When a computer boffin in the defence industry is found dead in his garage, Tony Clark is asked to investigate.
See today's choices.
Episode written by Julian Jones
See This Week: page 8
Between the Lines 9.35pm BBC 1
It was a brave move to take a successful drama series about a policeman who investigates corrupt coppers and turn it on its head by making him a private eye. Considering that Between the Lines had won many awards and a regular viewing figure of eight million, some would say it was a foolhardy one. However, series creator and executive producer Tony Garnett thought it was a risk worth taking. When this new series started, he told Radio Times "I know people will say that if you have a winning formula, why change it? Our answer is that we're not interested in formulas. They're boring."
The gamble has paid off. This new scenario doesn't seem to have dented its popularity - just as many people turned on to Tony Clark, Harry Naylor, John Deakin and Mo Connell in the first episode as before. Tonight Clark (Neil Pearson) investigates the death of defence industry employee - was it really suicide, or was it murder? "Stay well away from the defence industry." warns Deakin (Tony Doyle). "You don't want it mucking up your CV." Unfortunately Clark has never taken too much notice of Deakin.
There's more about Mo Connell on page 8.