Who am I? Where have I come from? I don't seem to fit in anywhere particularly. I know I'm not middle-class, but I don't know where I've come from if I'm working-class. I'm a person, but where do I belong?
Colin Morris talks with Ruth Finney about adoption
With them in the studio are:
Miss Jane Rowe, Adviser and Tutor to the Standing Conference of Adoption Societies
Mrs. C. M. Card, Barry Webb
When Lorna was five years old, she and her younger brother, Barry, were sent to an orphanage. Their mother's marriage was breaking up, there were wartime difficulties, and other emotional entanglements. Lorna and Barry were sent for adoption to a family where there was already a daughter. Lorna's attachment to her brother created such difficulties that she was returned to the orphanage and Barry was kept. From there Lorna was sent to another family with three boys, the youngest the same age as she. He used to say 'You aren't really Mummy's little girl. She bought you in the market!'
Nearly twenty years later Lorna, now Ruth Finney, talks with Colin Morris about her life as an adopted child.