Appeal on behalf of the Church of England Children's Society by Margaret Lockwood
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The object of the Society is to care for children who have been deprived through any cause whatever of normal home life and family affection by giving them the best possible substitute. The Society aims to ensure, by fostering a true understanding of Christian ethics, that the children will leave its care with the self-reliance and judgment necessary to enable them to lead a good life. The children are treated as individuals and independence is fostered in every way. The greatest care is taken to avoid anything that savours of an institution.
The Society remains as always a voluntary organisation and is not State supported. The present upward trend in the cost of all essentials is causing the Society's expenditure to exceed income to a very serious extent and funds are urgently needed to maintain the existing work and resist, a very real threat of curtailment.