Introduced by Sue MacGregor
Make It Your Business: can a hobby, or a dream, become a successful small business? RON ALLDRIDGE reports. 1: ' Kiddylore ' - safety posters
Out of Context: DAVID HAWKSWORTH talks to Lord
Hallsham, the Lord Chun cellor, about his Lesser known activity - writing poetry.
A Burning Issue PETER EVANS investigates cysttis - a complaint that at least 50 per cent of women will suffer from some time In their lives.
New Francs for Old Junk: a report from Paris by NOREEN RIOLS.
In the Highlands, from The Weather in Africa by MARTHA GELLUORN abridged in six parts by madgehart.ReadDy Geoffrey Beevers (1)
Ian Paynter had hrated It in England after the war. Then he'd remembered overhearing some men in the prisoner-of-war camp where he'd been, talking about Kenya and starting-a new life there. He hadn't imagined he'd like-farming. But he liked ft. better than anything he'd ever done. And old Luke Hardy , who'd taken to the bottle after his wife's death, was selling Fair-. view Farm.
(Music: Jacob's Five Pieces for harmonica and strings)
Editor WYN KNOWLES long wave only