The Isolde Menges'String Quintet:
Isolde Menges (violin) ;
Beatrice Carrolle (violin) ; John Yewe Dyer (viola) ;
Alfred de Reyghere (viola) ;
Helen Just (violoncello)
Yaughan Williams 's Phantasy Quin tet for strings, although commissioned by the late W. W. Cobbett , was not offered for any competition. The idea of reviving the archaic form of Phantasy was Mr. Cobbett's. Vaughan Williams's Phantasy is in one continuous movement which falls into four well-defined sections approximating to the movements of a sonata. The treatment, however, is, as the title suggests, very free and fanciful. Composed in 1910, it shows the composer a master of chamber music writing and his style still deeply influenced by folk song.
See the article by Roderick Hudson on page 14