The third in a series of devotional services for Lent which explore themes of personal and practical spirituality, from the Community of RC Benedictine Nuns at Stanbrook Abbey, Worcestershire, following the theme of Tranquillity: the gift of inner peace.
Music: Into the Silence of our Hearts; Eternal Trinity of Love; Responsorial
Psalm 33 (34); Canticle of St Benedict; Responsorial Psalm 41 (42); Psalm 121 (122); Lamb of God (Anthony Greening);
Resurrexit (Easter Introit); Peace I Leave With You.
Readings: from the Rule of St Benedict; I Kings 19, vv 4-9a, 11-13a; Isaiah 53, vv 4-8; Ephesians 2, vv 13-18; John 14, v 27.