An appeal on behalf of The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home and Royal Savoy Association by the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, C.H., M.P.
The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home for Discharged Soldiers, now united with the Royal Savoy Association for the relief of paralysed sailors and soldiers at Gifford House, Worthing, does even more than give a happy permanent home to many men who have been under its care since the days of the war; it also gives a month's holiday with treatment to seriously disabled ex-Service men from all parts of the country who, owing to their grievous disabilities, are ineligible for convalescent homes.
There is no endowment fund, and the holiday scheme is supported entirely by voluntary contributions. It is therefore necessary for the Governors to raise £7,000 annually if they are to carry on this valuable work.
These men who gave everything for us all are still making the best of life from their wheel-chairs. With sufficient additional funds, no refusals would have to be sent to the many very deserving applications for holidays.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed].