from the Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit, Guildford
Introit: O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Thomas Tallis)
Preces and Responses (William Byrd )
Psalms 6, 7, and 8
First Lesson: 1 Samuel 17, vv. 1-30
Office Hymn: Lord, thy word abideth (A. and M. (R) 250)
Magnificat: Fourth Evening Service (Adrian Batten)
Second Lesson: St. Luke 6, vv. 20-38
Nunc dimittis: Fourth Evening Service (Adrian Batten)
Versicles and Responses (William Byrd)
Anthem: Above the stars my Saviour dwells (Thomas Tomkins, ed. Bernard Rose)
Prayers; The Grace
Voluntary in A minor (John Stanley)
Organist and Masters of the Choristers, Barry Rose
Assistant organist, Peter Morse