In connection with the Annual Conference of the Primitive
Methodist Church
Relayed from the Woodall Memorial
Church, Burslem S.B. from Stoke
Hymn, ' Crown Him with many crowns' (Primitive Methodist Hymnal, No. 129)
Hynm, 'The King of Love my
Shepherd io ' (P.M.H. Supplement, No. 134)
Reading from Scripture—John x, vv. 1-16, by Mr. W. H. HAW-THORNE , Vice-President of the Conference
Anthem, ' Come unto Him ' Gounod Sung by the PITTS HILL PRIMITIVE
Address by the Rev. JAMES H. SAXTON , President of the Conference
Hymn, ' Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts' (P. M. H. Supplement , No. 57)
(For 8.45-10.30 Programmes see opposite, page)