Introduced by Mary Hill and including
' Visit to Fiji,' by Joan Dilnot
The speaker recently spent some days in Suva in the Fijian islands. She describes the kindly, happy people; the glorious brightly coloured flowers, the fruit to be had for the picking; and the cool houses of plaited palm.
' Speaking from Experience': the second of a new series of talks by Marian Cutler
' U — A — X." Starting this month, films at the cinema are labelled by the British Board of Film Censors U, or A, or X. This arrangement is explained today by Honor Earl who was a member of the advisory committee set up jointly by the Home Office and the Ministry of Education ' to consider the effects of attendance at the cinema on children and adolescents '
' Looking at Pictures': Ruth Drew interviews Sir Gerald Kelly , President of the Royal Academy, on how to get the maximum pleasure from a visit to an art gallery
Serial: Middlemarch ' by George Eliot. Abridged by Nancy Pusey. Read by Carleton Hobbs