Played by LAFFITTE
Images (2nd Series)
Cloches a travers les feuilles; Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut
Poissons d'Or THE second act of Images contains three
- of the most popular of Debussy's pianoforte works. Although they have titles which suggest vaguely a programme, as is always the case with Debussy's works, the impression is always the main thing. In
. the first, one naturally seeks to hear the sound of bells, and here Debussy reproduces them with a delightful effect. The pianoforte lends itself to such sound-painting, and as Debussy was fond of introducing bell-like effects into his pieces, he does so often and with astonishing variety.
The next piece is nothing but a simple impression of moonlight on the site of a ruined temple, while the third, Goldfish, speaks for itself. It is only necessary to picture a stone fountain in a green garden with the sunshine on the water and the little fish darting here and there.