At the dose of European Architectural Heritage Year, four programmes on changing attitudes towards the conservation and renewal of towns. 2: The Italian Paradox
One thing that makes Italy different from this country Is the very large populations that still live in hundreds of historic town centres. These centres have remained largely intact, yet outside them the rape of the Italian landscape proceeds almost unchecked.
Malcolm MacEwen in conversasation with giancarlo DI carlo , architect for Urbino; Giorgio bei.lavitis, architect, Venice; LEONARDO BENEVOLO , Professor of Architecture, University of Naples; SIR AsnLEY clarki. Chairman, Venice in Peril; ELENA CROCE , writer, Naples; FRANCO FERRARROTTI , Sociologist, University of Rome; ornxlla francisci OSTI, Rome; ADRIANA uaffiolettt. Bergamo: georgina masson. architectural historian,
Rome; desideria pasolim, Vice President, Italia Nostra, Rome. Producer leonie COHN