Introit: Blessed are they that alway keep judgment
Hymn: Thou art the way (A. and M. 199 ; Rv. C.H. 173)
Psalm cxxxix, 1-11, 23, 24
Lesson: St. Luke xi, 9-13 ; Romans viii, 18, 19, 28, 31-39
Benedictus Creed
Hymn: Thy kingdom come ! On bended knee the passing ages pray (S.P. 680; Rv. C.H. 153)
Address by the Rt. Rev. E. S. Woods ,
D.D., Bishop of Lichfield
Hymn: Lord of all hopefulness,
Lord of all joy (S.P. 565)
Organist and choirmaster,
Ambrose P. Porter