From the Big Top of the world's greatest tenting show
A Gala Performance for Europe
Berosini (U.S.A.)
Swings by his heels on the high trapeze
The Caroli Riders (Italy)
The world's largest trick-riding troupe
Ten Tisza (Hungary)
State Circus springboard sensation
Krenzola's Animal Revue (Germany)
with fox and goose, cat and dog, parrots and pigeons
El Grupo Rodriguez (Mexico)
Olympians of the triple bar
The Francesco Clowns (Italy)
Superb slapstick comedy and music
Armand Elleano (France)
Wire-walker extraordinary
Swinging Elephants
presented by Billy Smart Jr. featuring 15-elephant pyramid
The Flying Oslers (South Africa)
Four daring young men on the flying trapeze
Also in the Big Top:
Ria Roberti, Don Saunders Clown, Maxo, Toto and Co., Mike Tucker, Ringmaster Dick Barton
Circus Direction by the Smart brothers Ronnie, David and Billy Smart
Show introduced by John Witty