Jonathon Porritt , the environmentalist, welcomes Cliff Michelmore to his home in north London. Jonathon was born to a life of privilege as the son of a Governor
General of New Zealand, but decided to become a campaigner. He talks to Cliff about his life at Eton, working as a jackaroo in Australia and his decision to lead the Friends of the Earth: 'I'm an unashamed idealist. I genuinely do believe there are better ways of living than we live now and I think it's important we find ways of moving towards them.'
His choice of music is sung by the choir of his old college,
Magdalen, Oxford, conducted by DR JOHN HARPER. It includes 'God be in my head', 'My song is love unknown', Psalm 23 and 'Jerusalem'. Assistant producer FAY WOOLF OB director STEPHEN CHILVER