(See columns 3 and 4)
The 'Daily Mail' National Radio Awards
A gala programme from the Scala Theatre, London, introducing the winners of 1953-4
The Personality of the Year: Gilbert Harding
The Outstanding Actor: James McKechnie
The Outstanding Actress: Marjorie Westbury
The Most Popular Musical Entertainer: Tom Jenkins
The Most Entertaining Programme: The Archers
Written by Edward J Mason and Geoffrey Webb. Edited by Godfrey Baseley. Producer, Tony Shryane
Take It From Here
Dick Bentley and Jimmy Edwards, Wallas Eaton, Alma Cogan, June Whitfield, and The Keynotes.
Scriptwriters, Frank Muir and Denis Norden.
Producer, Charles Maxwell
The Most Promising New Programme: The Name's the Same
The Panel: Frances Day, Phyllis Cradock, Frank Muir, Denis Norden.
Chairman, Raymond Glendenning.
Producer, C.F. Meehan
(Broadcast by arrangement with Maurice Winnick)
Master of Ceremonies Franklin Engelmann.
Music by Sidney Torch and his Orchestra.
Producer, Charles Maxwell
Associate Producer, Harry Alan Towers