The Master Builder by HENRIK IBSEN translated by MICHAEL MEYER adapted by JOHN GIBSON with Leo McKern and Billie Whitelaw
When the play was broadcast in 1967 Gilbert Phelps wrote: He (Ibsen) had frequently compared his work to that of the builder, and there seems little doubt that the churches which his hero Halvard Solness had built in his youth stood partly for his own earlier romantic plays; the dwelling-houses of Solness's middle years for his ' social plays ' - and the tower from which Solness falls to his death for Ibsen's own return to the more imaginative explorations of his youth, with all the dangers which he knew were involved. Cast in order of speaking:
Music specialty composed and conducted by HUMPHREY SEARLE and played by the SINFONIA OF LONDON
Produced by JOHN GIBSON
followed by an interlude